Rozeta rose diagram
Rozeta rose diagram

rozeta rose diagram

F1) was not taken into account during trimming, but that factor could exert some influence on the apparent magnitude of permeability anisotropy. Bedding orientation (dip angle) with respect to the core axis (Fig. These specimens were trimmed perpendicular to the core axis.

rozeta rose diagram

Separate specimens for permeability tests in the horizontal direction were trimmed from the remaining material located immediately below the top 7 cm taken for vertical permeability testing. Specimen diameter ranged from 3.4 to 4.1 cm and averaged 3.8 cm. Specimen length after trimming ranged from 4.4 to 5.9 cm and averaged 5.3 cm (Table T1). Sample dimensions were measured at several points using a caliper to a resolution of ☐.03 cm and averaged to obtain values used for subsequent calculations. Cylindrical specimens for permeability tests in the vertical core direction were trimmed using a wire saw and soil lathe from the top 7 cm of each whole-round sample. To extract each specimen, the plastic core liner was cut lengthwise along two lines 180° apart using a hacksaw and then removed. The samples were stored at 4☌ until immediately prior to trimming. Soon after recovery of a given core aboard the D/V Chikyu, the whole-round samples were cut, capped and taped in their plastic core liners, and sealed in aluminum vacuum bags with moist sponges to prevent moisture loss. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001H-7R-3, vertical. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001F-15H-2, horizontal. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001F-15H-2, vertical. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001F-10H-11, horizontal. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001F-10H-11, vertical. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001F-3H-2, horizontal. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001F-3H-2, vertical. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001E-4H-2, horizontal. Permeability results, Sample 315-C0001E-4H-2, vertical.

rozeta rose diagram

Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001H-7R-3, horizontal. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001H-7R-3, vertical. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001F-15H-2, horizontal. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001F-15H-2, vertical. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001F-10H-11, horizontal. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001F-10H-11, vertical. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001F-3H-2, horizontal. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001F-3H-2, vertical. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001E-4H-2, horizontal. Hydraulic gradient, Sample 315-C0001E-4H-2, vertical. Relation between permeability and porosity. Vertical and horizontal permeability values. Horizontal and vertical section of core diagram. Constant-flow permeability testing system.

Rozeta rose diagram